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Parenting Program - Lincoln

The Parenting Program follows the Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (Step) curriculum. Topics covered in the seven-session class include: understanding yourself and your child, understanding beliefs and feelings, encouraging your child, listening and talking to your child, helping children learn to cooperate, and discipline that makes sense.

Mom and Me Camp

Mom and Me Camp participants and their children spend 4 days at East Bay Camp & 3 days in the Lincoln Correctional Center. The Camp provides structured activities designed to provide a supportive & productive visiting experience for mothers & children. In addition the Lincoln Correctional Center offers a summer camp and a Christmas and Mothers Day camp; each is a one-day event.

Family Connections Visitations

The Family Connections Visitations program includes monthly visits for mothers and grandmothers through Lutheran Social Services. Transportation and visitation is provided for families that might not otherwise be able to visit by Lutheran Social Service. Each bus brings approximately 15 caregivers and 30 children to visit approximately 15 inmates.

Domestic Violence

The Domestic Violence program at the Lincoln Correctional Center is designed to provide education about domestic violence, knowledge of rights, and good decision making skills concerning healthy relationships. The program is eight weeks long and is available to women with a history of being a victim of domestic violence.

Operation Storybook

Operation Storybook is a monthly program through Lutheran Social Services run by volunteers from Friends on the Outside. Incarcerated mothers and grandmothers are screened and selected by lottery to be recorded on CD reading a book to their children/grandchildren. The tapes and books are then mailed to the children. Approximately 30 women are able to participate per session. This is expected to enhance the bonds between mothers and their children/grandchildren, easing the difficulty of separation.

Reentry Services Center

WPA promotes successful transition from prison to the community by educating women about what to expect upon release and helping them plan for the transition while they are still in prison. Pre-Release Planning helps a woman begin the process of obtaining the official documents she will need to secure benefits and find work, to determine where she will reside, and to arrange appointments for substance abuse treatment, relapse prevention counseling, mental health treatment, and primary medical care.

Women's Leadership & Media Project

The Women's Leadership and Media Project (WLMP) is a training program for formerly incarcerated women and their community allies who seek to achieve criminal justice reform for women and their families.recommendations on issues of importance to them. The women may share their recommendations with policymakers, community members, and the media, and work with other community groups on a range of policy matters.

Family Treatment and Rehabilitation Program

The Family Treatment/ Rehabilitation Program (FTR) offers intensive preventive case management services to families at risk of removal of children to foster care due to neglect and abuse associated with a mother's drug use and/ or mental illness. The stressors of poverty, substance use, instability, and criminal justice involvement can greatly compromise a mother's capacity to care for her children, despite strong desires to be engaged and effective caretakers.

Wayside Recovery Center

Wayside Recovery Center has long been a pioneer in gender-responsive approaches, providing a full continuum of long-term services that support women holistically. Services include supports for managing physical and mental health conditions, finding housing and employment, parenting effectively, and developing healthy relationships in addition to chemical dependency treatment. All services are provided in a relationship-focused, safe, holistic environment that is particularly suited to the needs of women.

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