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Girl Scouts Beyond Bars - Wilsonville

Girl Scouts Beyond Bars provides girls an opportunity to visit their incarcerated mothers weekly to monthly and take part in mother/daughter Girl Scout troop meetings. Through the program, mothers lead troop meetings and develop skills in leadership, conflict resolution and parenting, all of which are critical to their success in family life and employment after their release. In addition, girls and their mothers often have facilitated discussions about family life, violence and drug abuse prevention.

Women In Recovery

Women in Recovery is an intensive outpatient treatment program designed as an alternative for women involved in the criminal justice system. This program offers an array of services ranging from housing to counseling, to drug treatment. Women in Recovery teaches women about health, wellness, relapse prevention, parenting and building healthy relationships. The program also helps women conquer their drug addiction and acquire the essential economic, emotional and social tools to build successful and productive lives.

Exodus Transitional Community

Exodus Transitional Community is a faith-based non-profit organization in East Harlem, New York, specializing in assisting formerly incarcerated individuals and their families. ETC provides employment readiness workshops, resume preparation, basic computer literacy, mock interviews, educational workshops, anger and substance abuse workshops, spirituality workshops, health and fitness workshops, family and relationship workshops, and community involvement workshops. ETC makes housing referrals and other supportive service referrals for participants and their families as well.

Housing Programs

Gemma operates a Day Program in order to assist in and out of custody women with the reentry process. The Day Program is a 10-week curriculum of life-skill and supportive classes that prepare and support women in their reentry to the community. Classes take place approximately 12 hours per week at a location outside of the jail. Gemma staff screens, interviews, and enrolls up to 15 women at a time.


WIT House (Women In Transition) - The WIT House is home to 9 women who are living with various barriers to self-sufficiency. The WIT House gives women the opportunity to develop skills that will help them when they transition to permanent housing. Groups include life skills education, money management, substance abuse treatment, and mental health care. Mariposa House - The Mariposa House is a room and board facility that provides permanent housing for women who are coming out of prison or jail, are homeless, or have other barriers to housing.

Health Programs

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services - The Empowerment Program is a licensed drug treatment program in Colorado that provides outpatient services for women and women offenders. Pre-treatment, treatment and on-going recovery drug treatment services are provided through one-to-one counseling and group treatment activities. They also provide limited assistance to participants to enroll in and continue their participation in methadone maintenance programs. Project CARES (Connecting Addiction, Recovery and Emotional Strength) This project is an expanded drug and alcohol treatment program.

Outreach Programs

The Empowerment Program provides street and community outreach activities targeting homeless women, prostitutes and drug using women. Drug treatment and other support and education groups are provided in metropolitan area county jails, halfway houses for women leaving prison, shelters for homeless women and drug treatment programs. They also offer free, anonymous HIV tests at their offices. Outreach and diversion activities are provided in county jails, in Denver County Courtroom 12T, in communities throughout the Denver metropolitan area and at the other service provider locations.

Employment Programs

The goal of Denver’s Road Home is to provide employment and stable housing for homeless individuals who have a felony. All women will receive case management, employment assistance (resume development, interview skills training, and referrals to felon-friendly employment), financial planning and educational services. Participants must reside in the Denver Metropolitan Area, are willing to complete job readiness training, find and keep employment for at least one year, and work with case managers and take part in training opportunities offered.

Education Programs

General Equivalency Degree (GED) preparation classes are provided for all women. Testing is provided at Emily Griffith Opportunity School and one-to-one tutoring is available through volunteers, churches and the community. A networked computer lab provides GED learning modules and access to the Internet for students. Post-secondary career counseling and assistance with enrollment into Community Colleges and technical education programs is provided through the school. Classes on nutrition and health are available for all participants throughout the year.

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