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The future of work, office and technology in local government

After a stressful and unpredictable year or so, senior local government management are now assessing the impact of the pandemic on its workers and citizens. Temporary and emergency fixes are now under consideration for a much longer horizon. Listening to government technology leaders and other senior public managers, a few but certain predictions can be made.

The future of work, office and technology in local government
The future of work, office and technology in local government
Dr. Alan Shark
American City & County
Publication Date

Check out previous Environmental Scans

The National Institute of Corrections publishes this compilation of resources each year as an overview of what research indicates to be the trends in the corrections industry each year.
Accession Number: (2018) 033176, (2019) 033431, (2020) 033563, (2021) 033670, (2022) 033086, (2023) 033087